Extra Income February 2019: This month, I have spent the entire month trying to learn WordPress. I have finally decided...
Welcome to my income report tracker! I am tracking my extra income each month as a way to 1) motivate...
My five-year-old son is going through an” I don’t want to eat anything healthy/vegetables” phase. He will eat an occasional...
Accept food from family and friends! Don’t try to prepare everything yourself. If you have a signature dish, prepare it,...
So this year, it seems like the Wild One theme was a hit for 1 year old birthdays….and I can...
This is year marks my baby’s first Halloween. I had dreamed up going as Jasmine and dressing my baby up...
For the past 8 months, my 5-year-old has been obsessed with NBA basketball, Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors,...
So, I have settled upon the idea that I am in general a low milk producer. When I breastfed my first...
1. Don’t wash hair daily. Instead try to only wash your hair when it truly needs it, be sure to...
Since November, my diaper bag has been like a third child that I drag around, I thought it only appropriate...
About Me
City + Mom
City Mom is a place to gather and talk about topics such as motherhood, parenting, financial health, time management, organizational skills and more. All of my posts are real-life experiences that I have encountered with my own children and in my own life.